Sunday, December 16, 2012

My voice is desperate, crying, shouting for a sound to be made, for a vibration to go thru the air, but silence. Ive become silent because of the pain words bring. Words are like teeth, shining bright when kept clean but disgusting when forgotten about. My mouth stays shut so I can not tell others there mistakes, or tell them what my heart really feels. The truth is something people take for granted. The truth is overlooked.My truth is love. My heart races with anxiety and compassion for others that sometimes don't deserve it. Ive become to intent in pleasing others that I have lost my own needs along the way. Needs that I needed to shape my future being. Do not make this mistake, do not listen to your heart. Your heart is a grave site for false hope. Only thing that lays inside your heart is pain. Pain to love another, pain to feel love. Pain is the bondage of all emotions. The one that traps you inside a cell and creates marks on your skin. And if not physically, mentally. Pain is not welcome but walks in as a beggar for food. Its desperate to take you down with it. Keep your doors shut unlike me.

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